From May 22, 2019 to Jun 20, 2019
Jun 20, 2019
02:32 PM Feature #16846 (Closed): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- Done.
12:02 PM Feature #16846 (In Progress): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- We are going to remove the possibility to access SOLR to machines other than the portal.
11:10 AM Feature #16846 (Closed): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- The current ISTI website makes use of links to ISTI Open Portal.
The requests to solr are from a new version of th... -
10:59 AM Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- AFAIK this was needed in order to give the possibility to fetch content from Open Porta...
10:53 AM Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- do you have an answer to the's question? Can we close this ...
12:09 PM Support #17023 (New): Migrate the ticketing system supporting Open Portal to the new ISTI Redmine
- An ISTI Redmine has been recently made available. As soon as we can start using it we should migrate the existing tic...
Jun 12, 2019
05:20 PM Feature #16939 (New): Consider integrating the forthcoming shareyourpaper facility
- Shareyourpaper is going to be developed to facilitate the deposition of OA versions in a repository
https://opena... -
02:36 PM Support #16918 (Closed): Merge Locuratolo publications
- Done.
11:32 AM Support #16918 (Closed): Merge Locuratolo publications
- Right now we have two entries for Locuratolo
* Elvira Immacolata Locuratolo (2) -
12:53 PM Support #16920 (Closed): Merge Spano profiles
12:53 PM Support #16920: Merge Spano profiles
- Done.
11:46 AM Support #16920 (Closed): Merge Spano profiles
- Merge profiles of Lucio Davide Spano e Lucio Spano
12:52 PM Support #16921 (Closed): Merge Ter Beek publications
- Done.
11:51 AM Support #16921 (Closed): Merge Ter Beek publications
- The profiles of Maurice Henri Ter Beek and Maurice Ter Beek should be merged
11:40 AM Support #16919 (Closed): Discuss and define the set of publications that must appear in ISTI Open Portal (before 2002)
- Right now the ISTI Open Portal harvester collects all the papers in the People ISTI set
However this set contains... -
08:43 AM Support #16906 (Closed): nomi diversi per stesso autore
- Some publications have been reassigned to the right author and I merged the remaining identifiers:
Jun 11, 2019
12:29 PM Support #16906 (In Progress): nomi diversi per stesso autore
12:12 PM Support #16906: nomi diversi per stesso autore
- I merged "Felice Bacco" and "Felice Manlio Bacco".
Regarding La Rosa, probably they are 2 homonyms (CNR should not... -
11:37 AM Support #16906: nomi diversi per stesso autore
- Thanks to for reporting this issue, we will fix it as explained.
11:34 AM Support #16906: nomi diversi per stesso autore
- The issue is due to diverse profiles in People.
I kindly ask to merge the following p... -
10:12 AM Support #16906 (Closed): nomi diversi per stesso autore
- ciao, scrivo per un caso che ho visto accade per più persone (es. vedasi La Rosa D., sempre WNLAB). Felice Manlio Bac...
11:20 AM Bug #16907 (Rejected): nomi diversi per stesso autore
- This is a duplicate of #16906
10:13 AM Bug #16907 (Rejected): nomi diversi per stesso autore
- ciao, scrivo per un caso che ho visto accade per più persone (es. vedasi La Rosa D., sempre WNLAB). Felice Manlio Bac...
Jun 04, 2019
03:36 PM Feature #16855 (New): Faceted search options should be always aligned with the current query
- Right now the faceted search options are not refreshed when performing filtering activities, they remain populated by...
03:30 PM Feature #16854 (Completed): Reconsider authors alphabetic order ...
- ... authors alphabetic order is currently based on name surname while it should be based on surname name.
This ta...
Jun 03, 2019
02:00 PM Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- What is the motivation behind this task? What Federico is going to do?
01:15 PM Feature #16846 (Feedback): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- Done. Can you check?
01:15 PM Feature #16846 (In Progress): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
01:01 PM Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- (where the test site is hosted) (my IP) (my colleague IP) -
12:17 PM Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- Just added Federico as a member, so that he can comment the ticket.
12:03 PM Feature #16846 (Closed): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
- Can you permit the access to SOLR apis (https)?
@Federico: Add here the list of your addresses.
May 31, 2019
09:17 AM Bug #16785 (Closed): Fix this very long keywork
- I fixed the long terms.
Now I split the long subjects on ";" and ','.
May 30, 2019
03:16 PM Feature #16809 (Completed): Integrate Dimensions badge
- Similarly to what we did for Altmetrics, I would suggest integrating the Dimensions badge
https://badge.dimension... -
09:26 AM Support #16797 (Closed): Merge the Moreo Fernandez entries
- The author comes from People with 2 different id:
* idpersonaleesterno:21055 (name: Alejandro Moreo Fernandez)
* ma...
May 29, 2019
07:40 PM Feature #16798 (New): Support multiple selections in the faceted part (more part)
- Right now it is impossible to select more values when these values might come from the "more" option ... see screensh...
06:20 PM Support #16797 (Closed): Merge the Moreo Fernandez entries
- There are two entries for
* Alejandro David Moreo Fernandez
* Alejandro Moreo Fernandez
See screenshot.
To m...
May 28, 2019
05:40 PM Bug #16791 (Closed): Vadicamo's paper not appearing in OpenPortal
- It was fixed.
03:48 PM Bug #16791: Vadicamo's paper not appearing in OpenPortal
- The same is for the following paper
It seems i... -
03:44 PM Bug #16791 (Closed): Vadicamo's paper not appearing in OpenPortal
- The following paper "Selecting Sketches for Similarity Search" -
01:58 PM Bug #16786 (Closed): Fix Robol's Papers
01:02 PM Bug #16786 (Closed): Fix Robol's Papers
- The following papers lack the ISTI value in "Strutture CNR"
* -
12:14 PM Bug #16785 (Closed): Fix this very long keywork
- The following paper contains a very long keyword (that is actually a set of keywords):
https://openportal.isti.cnr... -
12:13 PM Support #16777 (Closed): Fix metadata for Malomo's papers was Articoli mancanti: Malomo
12:10 PM Bug #16782 (Closed): Correct Carrara papers
10:34 AM Bug #16782 (Closed): Correct Carrara papers
- The following papers lack the ISTI value in Strutture CNR:
* -
10:48 AM Bug #16783 (Closed): Correct Manghi's Paper
10:41 AM Bug #16783 (Closed): Correct Manghi's Paper
- The following product reports BlueBRIDGE as supporting project
This is not ...
May 27, 2019
07:54 PM Support #16777 (Resolved): Fix metadata for Malomo's papers was Articoli mancanti: Malomo
06:20 PM Support #16777 (In Progress): Fix metadata for Malomo's papers was Articoli mancanti: Malomo
- The **publications 2018** deposited in People for Luigi Malomo ( that are not collected by ...
05:51 PM Support #16777 (Closed): Fix metadata for Malomo's papers was Articoli mancanti: Malomo
- Per quanto mi riguarda, in openportal mancano alcuni articoli dell'anno 2018 che sono invece presenti su people.
02:32 PM Feature #16676 (Closed): Create and use an email for openportal
- opened mailing list created with the requested recipients
Silvia and Leonardo are allowed to ...
May 24, 2019
02:40 PM Bug #16653: Problematic entries with a strange "source"
- I see the fix is already in production and I'm wondering why the ticket was not closed. What is still missing?
Du... -
01:21 PM Feature #16772: Reconsider what OpenPortal shows under the typologies
- I propose to ask again People staff to extract the field Type of Product as it appears in People.
12:58 PM Feature #16772: Reconsider what OpenPortal shows under the typologies
- I see no problems/loss of information in the mapping. The issue is People side, i.e. the loss of information is in th...
08:55 AM Feature #16772: Reconsider what OpenPortal shows under the typologies
- This is the native record of the first publication (Editorial in Journals):
<oai_dc:dc xmlns:oai_dc="http://w... -
08:51 AM Feature #16772: Reconsider what OpenPortal shows under the typologies
- Current mapping schema:
"info:eu-repo/semantics... -
12:59 PM Support #16774: Fix/improve the "no available" ... aka enhance the records' abstract
- The total amount of records with different forms of "no available" is 289. We'll fix it.
12:40 PM Support #16774 (New): Fix/improve the "no available" ... aka enhance the records' abstract
- There is a significant amount of records containing a funny "no available" string in the abstract field. E.g. see
May 23, 2019
07:23 PM Feature #16772 (Completed): Reconsider what OpenPortal shows under the typologies
- The list of products classified under *book* is really misleading. bring this issue to my...
May 22, 2019
12:02 PM Support #16722 (Closed): Remove the box in the homepage
- Done.
11:30 AM Support #16722: Remove the box in the homepage
- please remove it!! agree
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