Bug #16653
closedProblematic entries with a strange "source"
A quite considerable number of records contains strange content in the source field, e.g. see
Please, check what is going wrong.
It seems the issue is in the data exposed by OIA-PMH, e.g.
- OpenPortal https://openportal.isti.cnr.it/results?option=com_dnetindexclient&view=doc&id=people______::aa38d500de088aafbd8eb8dda751a9c2
- OAI-PMH Record http://www.cnr.it/oai-pmh/oai2.php?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:it.cnr:prodotti:138984
Dunno whether we can do something to fix this. We should contact People guys I guess
Related issues
Updated by Leonardo Candela almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
An early investigation revealed that
- the source value seems to be automatically generated out of the rest of the information stored in the other fields;
- there are two source fields in the native records, one containing the field codes with field values and one containing the results of a function aiming at building a suitable source string;
- the transformation script sometimes removes one of the source fields;
Corrective actions include:
- to reconsider the transformation script thus to not remove the source field with the value containing the suitable source information;
- to provide the People team with examples of problematic source information;
Updated by Michele Artini almost 6 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
I updated the transformation script.
Now I consider only sources with length > 10 and not starting with info:cnr-pdr/source
Updated by Leonardo Candela almost 6 years ago
I see the fix is already in production and I'm wondering why the ticket was not closed. What is still missing?
Dunno if the decision to not diplaying a source at all (in the case it's length is <= 10) is a proper decision or it should be better to report a string like "Source: not available."
How many are the records without a "proper" source?
Updated by Leonardo Candela over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 10 to 100
Going to close this now ... it is useless to keep it open