

Michele Artini


open closed Total
Assigned issues 25 53 78
Reported issues 2 22 24


Project Roles Registered on
ISTI Open Access Developer, Reporter Mar 23, 2018


May 30, 2024

01:21 PM ISTI Open Access Support #26104: Reconsider the harvesting pipeline to take into account IRIS contents
I scheduled the aggregation wf to run each day at 22:30. Michele Artini

May 09, 2024

08:07 AM ISTI Open Access Support #26104 (In Progress): Reconsider the harvesting pipeline to take into account IRIS contents
> NB. all CNR authors have the CNR affiliation rather than the specific institute affiliation.
It 's OK. Also Peop...
Michele Artini

Oct 10, 2023

08:27 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #25540: Deal with PuMa records not migrated in People
Penso che valga la pena fare una riunione per capire come procedere. Michele Artini

Oct 09, 2023

12:09 PM ISTI Open Access Support #25821 (Rejected): Change INO Open Portal favicon
The right favicon was updated some months ago. The problem was with the cache of your browser. Michele Artini

Sep 06, 2023

11:40 AM ISTI Open Access Support #25586: Spostamento macchine virtuali
related to #25555, #25537 Michele Artini
11:39 AM ISTI Open Access Support #25586 (New): Spostamento macchine virtuali
A seguito dei problemi dei giorni scorsi, alcune macchine virtuali dell'OpenPortal erano state temporaneamente sposta... Michele Artini

Sep 01, 2023

08:17 AM ISTI Open Access Incident #25555 (Closed): D-Net server is down
The D-Net server is down or not available.
I tried also to connect using SSH, but it responds with:
Michele Artini

Aug 31, 2023

03:57 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #25540 (In Progress): Deal with PuMa records not migrated in People
I dati che mi aveva passato Gianluca sono giĆ  stati aggregati su D-Net e trasformati nel formato previsto dall'OpenPo... Michele Artini
02:50 PM ISTI Open Access Incident #25537 (Closed): Macchine non raggiungibili
Le macchina dei portali e quella di backend risultano spente o non raggiungibili.
Da casa riesco ad entrare il SSH...
Michele Artini

Jul 13, 2023

11:22 AM ISTI Open Access Support #25085: ORCIDs to be revised
Leonardo Candela wrote in #note-9:
> Request for adding Roberto Cirillo's ORCID
I added Roberto Cirillo's ORCID i...
Michele Artini

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