Support #26104
closedReconsider the harvesting pipeline to take into account IRIS contents
The endpoint to use is with metadataPrefix=oai_openaire
For ISTI-CNR the set is ou_ou294
Related issues
Updated by Leonardo Candela 11 months ago
- Subject changed from Test harvesting from the forthcoming IRIS-based CNR Repository to Test harvesting from IRIS CNR Repository
- Priority changed from Normal to Urgent
According to the last information we get we should try to harvest from
and use the oai_openaire metadata format.
The ISTI set is ou_ou294
There are a couple of known limitations:
the information we will collect per author is limited (in the near future we will have an ID for CNR Authors);
there is no information about previously used People IDs (in the near future they will give us a mapping file);
The files, if open access are exposed with their own URLs. Let's think about the impact (e.g. we can get rid of the local FTP, we have to reconsider Matomo)
Updated by Leonardo Candela 10 months ago
- Priority changed from Urgent to Immediate
We managed to get a file containing the mapping between the "old" People IDs and the new IRIS IDs ... this file is available at
Concerning author information, it seems that we should count of snippets like this
<datacite:creatorName>Candela L</datacite:creatorName>
<datacite:nameIdentifier schemeURI="" nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID">0000-0002-7279-2727</datacite:nameIdentifier>
<affiliation affiliationIdentifierScheme="ROR" affiliationIdentifier="">National Research Council</affiliation>
<datacite:creatorName>Hedges M</datacite:creatorName>
NB. all CNR authors have the CNR affiliation rather than the specific institute affiliation.
Updated by Michele Artini 10 months ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
NB. all CNR authors have the CNR affiliation rather than the specific institute affiliation.
It 's OK. Also People did not have the affiliations to the institute. The ISTI OpenPortal has always showed all the CNR authors related to the publications in the ISTI oai set.
The new mapping rules will be integrated as soon as possible in the BETA OpenPortal.
Updated by Leonardo Candela 9 months ago
- Subject changed from Test harvesting from IRIS CNR Repository to Reconsider the harvesting pipeline to take into account IRIS contents
- Description updated (diff)
- % Done changed from 50 to 40
Changed the description of the ticket to reflect the current settings.
For the time being, the results are available by
Updated by Leonardo Candela 9 months ago
I kindly as the following:
we should enable the daily harvesting, so that we see how things are evolving;
we should reconsider the venue where the publication is appearing, we no longer have a pre-cooked string.
- for journal article we should use citationTitle
- for the rest of products I need to have a look
Updated by Michele Artini 9 months ago
I scheduled the aggregation wf to run each day at 22:30.
Updated by Leonardo Candela 2 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
The new pipeline is there