ISTI Open Portal Issues open over 6 years late (Mar 23, 2018) ISTI Open Portal Issues 87% 49 issues (43 closed — 6 open) Related issues Support #12715: Adding Publications and Links Actions Support #16178: Joomla Security Update Actions Support #16721: Reconsider Authors management Actions Support #16722: Remove the box in the homepage Actions Support #16774: Fix/improve the "no available" ... aka enhance the records' abstract Actions Support #16777: Fix metadata for Malomo's papers was Articoli mancanti: Malomo Actions Support #16797: Merge the Moreo Fernandez entries Actions Support #16906: nomi diversi per stesso autore Actions Support #16919: Discuss and define the set of publications that must appear in ISTI Open Portal (before 2002) Actions Support #17023: Migrate the ticketing system supporting Open Portal to the new ISTI Redmine Actions Support #17170: Attribuzione errata articoli Actions Support #17171: Missing paper: An automated model-based test oracle for access control systems Actions Support #19845: Typos in abstract Actions Bug #12669: Wrong encoding after startup Actions Bug #12670: Memory problem Actions Bug #16653: Problematic entries with a strange "source" Actions Bug #16785: Fix this very long keywork Actions Bug #16907: nomi diversi per stesso autore Actions Bug #18686: Problems with authors having ' in the name Actions Bug #18689: Empty list of CNR Authors Actions Bug #20240: Reconsider search by author Actions Bug #20940: Eccessive alternative manifestations received from OpenAIRE Actions Bug #22179: The SVN server is down Actions Bug #22309: D-Net application is slow Actions Bug #22978: bibtex title with "&" Actions Bug #25336: Missing authors information Actions Feature #16772: Reconsider what OpenPortal shows under the typologies Actions Feature #16854: Reconsider authors alphabetic order ... Actions Feature #16855: Faceted search options should be always aligned with the current query Actions Feature #19595: Come inserisco un prodotto? Actions Feature #19950: Reconsider the harvesting pipeline to benefit from "possibly richer" metadata records Actions Feature #20097: Reconsider the link to use for referring to People object Actions Feature #20675: Reconsider the URLs for accessing the payloads Actions Feature #23450: Bibtex con abstract Actions Feature #24579: Develop ToU and Access Policy for ISTI Open Portal Actions Incident #17090: OpenPortal is down Actions Incident #21913: PDF corrotto in preprint Actions Incident #21960: People: missing encoding for projects containing "/" in their name Actions Incident #22218: Assenza di prodotti sul profilo personale in open portal Actions Incident #23765: Certificato non rinnovato sulla macchina mysql/mongodb Actions Incident #24732: DImensions pages are not displayed Actions Incident #25086: A strange author appeared Actions Incident #25200: Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal Actions Incident #25537: Macchine non raggiungibili Actions Incident #25538: Open Portal instances are down / unreachable Actions Incident #25555: D-Net server is down Actions Incident #28593: Moreo Fernandez is not recognised as ISTI Author Actions Incident #28734: ISTI Open Portal and IRIS: too many conference papers and contribution to conferenze lack a proper venue Actions Task #28830: Decide what shall we do with images object types Actions
FTP open 100% 2 issues (2 closed — 0 open) Related issues Support #16161: FTP Actions Incident #23196: New problem accessing FTP server from Dnet Actions
ISTI Open Portal Tasks open 67% 64 issues (43 closed — 21 open) Related issues Support #16651: Reconsider the "Contacts & Info" page to add a link to the ticketing system Actions Support #16702: Cater for Iubenda integration Actions Support #16918: Merge Locuratolo publications Actions Support #16920: Merge Spano profiles Actions Support #16921: Merge Ter Beek publications Actions Bug #24219: Invalid Apache Configuration Actions Bug #25350: No link to Explora items can be considered a link to an open access manifestation (actually to a manifestation at all) Actions Feature #11530: Configure ISTI Open Access Actions Feature #11601: Migrate the OpenPortal services to production machines Actions Feature #11636: Make Open Portal OpenAIRE compliant Actions Feature #11637: Register ISTI Open Portal in OA directories Actions Feature #12065: Add a "Cite as" facility on the single item Actions Feature #12066: Reharvest People content once the new format is implemented Actions Feature #12067: Repository Item: make keywords actionable Actions Feature #12068: Envisage the possibility to re-order the result-set facet queries associated with a result set Actions Feature #12069: Envisage the possibility to select many faceted search in one shot Actions Feature #12070: Expose and Document a richer query syntax for expressing advanced queries Actions Feature #12662: Cater for hosting publications on ISTI premises and maching them available Actions Feature #12667: New joomla portal installation (BETA) Actions Feature #12721: Beautify the object identifiers Actions Feature #12722: Add a cover page to the files downloaded by ISTI Open Portal Actions Feature #13078: Put the three openportal servers under backup Actions Feature #13100: Switch off and Actions Feature #16361: new joomla site Actions Feature #16386: Create a Statistics page for Open Portal Actions Feature #16401: Add CNR logo to open portal Actions Feature #16613: Access to dnet-openportal only from ISTI network Actions Feature #16645: Remove Google+ item sharing option Actions Feature #16659: Take advantage of ORCID information coming from OpenAIRE Actions Feature #16660: Do not display the "Query" and "Filter Query" in the results page Actions Feature #16674: Reconsider the website footer and menu Actions Feature #16676: Create and use an email for openportal Actions Feature #16704: Make use of Elsevier APIs for collecting per product scopus citations (if any) Actions Feature #16798: Support multiple selections in the faceted part (more part) Actions Feature #16809: Integrate Dimensions badge Actions Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines Actions Feature #16939: Consider integrating the forthcoming shareyourpaper facility Actions Feature #17047: Deal with resultset items containing many authors Actions Feature #19414: Develop a method exposing figures on the "latest" 15 years publications Actions Feature #19931: Reinforce the information about the sources of items' manifestations Actions Feature #20033: Reconsider ISTI OpenPortal OAI-PMH responses Actions Feature #20053: Register ISTI Open Portal in OpenAIRE Actions Feature #20054: Implement OpenAIRE Guidelines 4.0 Actions Feature #20094: Alerting and Monitoring facilities for ISTI Open Portal Actions Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE Actions Feature #20382: Reinforce the BibTeX export Actions Feature #20928: Integrate scite badge Actions Feature #21881: Update the PHP version Actions Feature #21891: Migrate OpenPortal machines to ubuntu 18.04 Actions Feature #21952: Do not duplicate DOIs in case of differences between upper and lower case characters Actions Feature #21982: Reconsider the tables of the statistics pages Actions Feature #22267: Reconsider the indicators and querie on OpenPortal home page Actions Feature #22463: Support indicators on Views and Downloads Actions Feature #22774: Support export in MODS Actions Feature #23895: Integrate Plaudit (for collecting endorsements) Actions Feature #23964: ISTI Open Portal: Revise the splash page Actions Feature #24009: Install Matomo for open portal and make use of it Actions Feature #25341: JSON record lack the splash page URL Actions Feature #25540: Deal with PuMa records not migrated in People Actions Feature #26705: INO Open Portal: configure usage counts Actions Task #25582: Migrate OpenPortal stack on the openstack infrastructure Actions Task #25584: Migrate OpenPortal front end to the openstack infrastructure Actions Task #25587: Devise a Mongo-free version of the OpenPortal stack Actions Task #27587: IRIS oaire:resourceType management Actions
OpenPortal Instances open 100% 6 issues (6 closed — 0 open) Related issues Support #22008: Cater for OpenPortal for ISPC Actions Support #22009: create the Joomla instance Actions Support #22010: create the aggregative workflow Actions Bug #22696: Problem with Secure FTP certificate Actions Feature #24391: ISPC Open Portal: configure usage counts Actions Incident #22438: FTP for ISPC Open Portal is not reachable from outside Actions
People Metadata open 100% 7 issues (7 closed — 0 open) Related issues Support #16672: Fix F. M. Nardini publications Actions Support #17164: Articolo su rivista mancante su open portal ma disponibile su People Actions Support #17168: Fix People records lacking "Strutture CNR" Actions Bug #16782: Correct Carrara papers Actions Bug #16783: Correct Manghi's Paper Actions Bug #16786: Fix Robol's Papers Actions Bug #16791: Vadicamo's paper not appearing in OpenPortal Actions