Feature #22463
openSupport indicators on Views and Downloads
We are collecting views and download indicators for OpenAIRE, I would like to use them for us also.
We should have in the splash page of each item a banner with views and downloads ... something like Zenodo (see screenshot).
In addition to that, we should have two more graphs:
- total views by year;
- total downloads by year;
In the screenshot see the OpenAIRE graphs (they report monthly data).
Related issues
Updated by Leonardo Candela over 2 years ago
I would say that the visibility is no longer an issue, data on downloads and views are made publicly available by OpenAIRE.
The point to be discussed are:
- do we have and maintain the data we provide to OpenAIRE by Matomo?
- apart from the aggregated data, do we have per item views and downloads? We do provide OpenAIRE with these data yet I don't know whether we keep it or not;
- in case we keep it I'll considering adding two "proprietary" metrics reporting the per item download and views registered by the open portal instance
- in case we keep it I'll considering adding two "proprietary" metrics reporting the per item download and views registered by the open portal instance
Updated by Andrea Dell'Amico over 2 years ago
Leonardo Candela wrote in #note-1:
I would say that the visibility is no longer an issue, data on downloads and views are made publicly available by OpenAIRE.
The point to be discussed are:
- do we have and maintain the data we provide to OpenAIRE by Matomo?
We have them but we also remove them regularly: what we upload to matomo is data extracted from the web server access logs, notihing else.
Updated by Leonardo Candela over 2 years ago
We should think about this and define a strategy to keep access data forewer.
Is it possible to leverage matomo for having back the data?
Updated by Leonardo Candela over 1 year ago
- File Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 16.06.49.png Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 16.06.49.png added
- Subject changed from Add new graphs on Views and Downloads to Support indicators on Views and Downloads
- Description updated (diff)
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Just changed the description to make it more clear.
Updated by Leonardo Candela over 1 year ago
- File Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 16.10.24.png Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 16.10.24.png added
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Luca Frosini 6 days ago
- Target version changed from ISTI Open Portal Tasks to To Be Planned