Feature #17047
openDeal with resultset items containing many authors
Start date:
Jun 24, 2019
Due date:
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I just faced with the following paper https://openportal.isti.cnr.it/doc?id=people______::08e03ddff93a58ec66440574f8494d4a
It contains a very high number of authors.
When displaying the entry in the result set we should report only few authors (10?) and add an et al. string for the others.
When entering the splash page of the product, e.g. https://openportal.isti.cnr.it/doc?id=people______::08e03ddff93a58ec66440574f8494d4a I'll suggest a similar approach, i.e. display only few authors in the text right below the title and add an "et al." string. Display the entire list of authors only when the user clicks on the "et al." string.
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