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Feature #16704


Make use of Elsevier APIs for collecting per product scopus citations (if any)

Added by Leonardo Candela almost 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
May 16, 2019
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Elsevier offers a number of APIs

In particular

Using the first is quite simple (an API key is needed) ... I am using in my website. Among the advantages of this solution there is the fact that people linking on it have access to a Scopus page listing the papers contributing to the citation count.




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Related to ISTI Open Access - Feature #16809: Integrate Dimensions badgeCompletedMichele ArtiniMay 30, 2019

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Updated by Paolo Manghi almost 6 years ago

Are the APIs limited to a number of accesses per IP/per day? This may cause issues in high picks of requests (anvur?). Shall we use CNR/ISTI credentials?

Shall we do the same for Google Scholar?

Updated by Leonardo Candela almost 6 years ago

Paolo Manghi wrote:

Are the APIs limited to a number of accesses per IP/per day? This may cause issues in high picks of requests (anvur?). Shall we use CNR/ISTI credentials?

An API Key is needed, I can generate one with my Scopus credentials. I see no massive loads ... the API should be invoked per paper, i.e. when a user accesses the paper page.

Shall we do the same for Google Scholar?

AFAIK there are no APIs there.

Updated by Paolo Manghi almost 6 years ago

Leonardo Candela wrote:

Paolo Manghi wrote:

Are the APIs limited to a number of accesses per IP/per day? This may cause issues in high picks of requests (anvur?). Shall we use CNR/ISTI credentials?

An API Key is needed, I can generate one with my Scopus credentials. I see no massive loads ... the API should be invoked per paper, i.e. when a user accesses the paper page.

The advantage I see is to generate a list of articles together with the individual numbers, plus the calculation of overall numbers for users, labs, etc.

Shall we do the same for Google Scholar?

we need to scrape, we have 100 accesses per day I think.

AFAIK there are no APIs there.

Actions #5

Updated by Leonardo Candela almost 6 years ago

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