Tracker *Support Bug Feature Incident Task
Subject *
Description Edit Elsevier offers a number of APIs In particular * the Abstract Citations Count API returns a watermarked image per paper indexed by Scopus; * the Citation Overview API returns a per year document citation counts per paper indexed by Scopus; Using the first is quite simple (an API key is needed) ... I am using in my website. Among the advantages of this solution there is the fact that people linking on it have access to a Scopus page listing the papers contributing to the citation count.
Status *New In Progress Completed Closed Rejected
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee Andrea Dell'Amico - andrea.dellamicoAnna Molino - anna.molinoFederico Volpini - federico.volpiniLeonardo Candela - leonardo.candelaMarco Procaccini - marco.procacciniMichele Artini - michele.artiniPaolo Manghi - paolo.manghisilvia giannini - silviaTommaso Piccioli - tommaso.piccioli_InfraScience Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) -
Target version * ISTI Open Portal Issues Prova FTP ISTI Open Portal Tasks OpenPortal Instances People MetadataComputational EngineDefault SprintUnSprintable WordPress
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