



From Jun 17, 2019 to Jul 16, 2019

Jul 11, 2019

12:34 PM Support #17171 (Closed): Missing paper: An automated model-based test oracle for access control systems
OK ... da domani il prodotto apparirà anche in Open Portal. Leonardo Candela
12:06 PM Support #17171: Missing paper: An automated model-based test oracle for access control systems
Sistemato compilando il campo mancante Anonymous
11:00 AM Support #17171: Missing paper: An automated model-based test oracle for access control systems
Il prodotto People incriminato è
Come al solito...
Leonardo Candela
10:41 AM Support #17171 (Closed): Missing paper: An automated model-based test oracle for access control systems
Il paper è in People ma non in Open Portal. Anonymous
10:28 AM Support #17170 (Feedback): Attribuzione errata articoli
Ciao Gianpaolo, mi sfugge qualcosa. Per il prodotto in oggetto:
* La pagina di People è
Leonardo Candela
09:32 AM Support #17170 (Closed): Attribuzione errata articoli
si segnalo un bug. Accedendo con il seguente link (quello usato dal sito sulla pagine in people) ...

Jul 10, 2019

05:44 PM Support #17168 (Closed): Fix People records lacking "Strutture CNR"
Ho inserito il dato mancante sulla struttura in entrambi i records, ma non sono riuscita a collegarmi al sito indicat... Anonymous
04:47 PM Support #17168 (Closed): Fix People records lacking "Strutture CNR"
Dear Silvia,
the following two publications miss a proper value in Strutture CNR
* iMarine - Data e-Infrastruct...
Leonardo Candela
12:53 PM Support #17164: Articolo su rivista mancante su open portal ma disponibile su People
Ho perfezionato il record visto che sono andata a modificarlo (ho anche aggiunto il file che è open ma mancava) ma la... Anonymous
12:50 PM Support #17164 (Closed): Articolo su rivista mancante su open portal ma disponibile su People
12:08 PM Support #17164: Articolo su rivista mancante su open portal ma disponibile su People
The product is the following
Leonardo Candela
12:05 PM Support #17164: Articolo su rivista mancante su open portal ma disponibile su People
Esatto ... stavo per scrivere proprio questo.
Credo la richiesta arrivi da o
Leonardo Candela
12:03 PM Support #17164: Articolo su rivista mancante su open portal ma disponibile su People
Noto anche che su people ho in totale 67 prodotti, mentre su Open ISTI portal risultano a mio nome 62 (ho fatto brows... Anonymous
12:00 PM Support #17164: Articolo su rivista mancante su open portal ma disponibile su People
Non compare perchè non è stato riempito il campo "Struttura CNR" su People,
credo possa aggiungerlo chi ha inserito ...
11:44 AM Support #17164 (Closed): Articolo su rivista mancante su open portal ma disponibile su People
L'articolo mancante e'
* titolo: "An aggregation framework for digital humanities infrastructures: The PARTHENOS ex...

Jul 02, 2019

10:43 AM Incident #17090 (Closed): OpenPortal is down
The service is back, from the GUI everything seems working. Leonardo Candela
10:35 AM Incident #17090 (Feedback): OpenPortal is down
There is a DNS problem that affected the DB access list rules. I've fixed them and disabled the reverse address resol... Andrea Dell'Amico
10:26 AM Incident #17090 (In Progress): OpenPortal is down
It seems there are problems in accessing the RDBMS Leonardo Candela
10:24 AM Incident #17090 (Closed): OpenPortal is down
Leonardo Candela

Jun 24, 2019

04:56 PM Feature #12066 (Rejected): Reharvest People content once the new format is implemented
I'm going to close this ticket.
People is automatically harvested and there is no agreement regarding a "new form...
Leonardo Candela
04:53 PM Feature #17047 (New): Deal with resultset items containing many authors
I just faced with the following paper Leonardo Candela

Jun 20, 2019

02:32 PM Feature #16846 (Closed): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
Done. Andrea Dell'Amico
12:02 PM Feature #16846 (In Progress): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
We are going to remove the possibility to access SOLR to machines other than the portal. Leonardo Candela
11:10 AM Feature #16846 (Closed): Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
The current ISTI website makes use of links to ISTI Open Portal.
The requests to solr are from a new version of th...
10:59 AM Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines
AFAIK this was needed in order to give the possibility to fetch content from Open Porta... Leonardo Candela
10:53 AM Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines do you have an answer to the's question? Can we close this ... Andrea Dell'Amico
12:09 PM Support #17023 (New): Migrate the ticketing system supporting Open Portal to the new ISTI Redmine
An ISTI Redmine has been recently made available. As soon as we can start using it we should migrate the existing tic... Leonardo Candela

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