From Jul 02, 2023 to Jul 31, 2023
Jul 17, 2023
12:01 PM Support #25212: Configurare openportal front end all'accesso da siti *
- Non si può usare "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" con wildcard, per ora ho aggiunto specificatamente www-wnlab.isti.cnr....
10:45 AM Support #25212: Configurare openportal front end all'accesso da siti *
- Appena riesco a capire come farlo.
Jul 14, 2023
10:08 AM Support #25212: Configurare openportal front end all'accesso da siti *
- OK abbiamo risolto lo specifico ma così facendo quando passeranno al sito di produzione dovremmo cambiare di nuovo.
Jul 13, 2023
07:04 PM Support #25212: Configurare openportal front end all'accesso da siti *
- Credo di aver risolto, la configurazione corretta dovrebbe essere questa, per il virtualhost
Header set Acce... -
05:52 PM Support #25212 (Feedback): Configurare openportal front end all'accesso da siti *
- Ho parlato con Crivello, ho aggiunto alla configurazione dell'intero VirtualHost https del portale openportal ISTI
... -
04:06 PM Support #25212: Configurare openportal front end all'accesso da siti *
- Scusate ma sono un po' confuso su questa cosa.
Attualmente è possibile fare interrogazioni sul frontend di openpor... -
11:22 AM Support #25085: ORCIDs to be revised
- Leonardo Candela wrote in #note-9:
> Request for adding Roberto Cirillo's ORCID
I added Roberto Cirillo's ORCID i... -
11:00 AM Support #25085: ORCIDs to be revised
- Request for adding Roberto Cirillo's ORCID
Jul 12, 2023
04:08 PM Feature #22463: Support indicators on Views and Downloads
- Just changed the description to make it more clear.
Jul 06, 2023
02:02 PM Bug #25350: No link to Explora items can be considered a link to an open access manifestation (actually to a manifestation at all)
- I reimplemented the mapping considering the **Access Rights** provided by People only for external links.
The links t... -
10:54 AM Bug #25350: No link to Explora items can be considered a link to an open access manifestation (actually to a manifestation at all)
- I reaggregated also the other instances, the number of open access documents is decreased:
* for **ISPC** : from 521... -
10:29 AM Bug #25350 (Feedback): No link to Explora items can be considered a link to an open access manifestation (actually to a manifestation at all)
- I forced the **Access Rights** of the urls provided by **People** to **Unknown**.
As expected the number of Open A... -
08:53 AM Bug #25350 (Closed): No link to Explora items can be considered a link to an open access manifestation (actually to a manifestation at all)
- We found that there is a discrepancy between the information shown in the result set view of an item and that given i...
09:34 AM Feature #25341 (Completed): JSON record lack the splash page URL
- I added the `documentPage` field in the exported records (json, xml and csv format).
Jul 05, 2023
11:56 AM Feature #25341 (Completed): JSON record lack the splash page URL
- For every record we should export the splash page of the record, it is paramount having it.
It is the MD5 of the ...
Jul 04, 2023
11:06 AM Bug #25336 (Rejected): Missing authors information
- This is not an Open Portal issue ... the issue is with the data in People.
11:01 AM Bug #25336 (Rejected): Missing authors information
- Good Morning, I am Giuliano Cornacchia a Ph.D. students associated with the KDD Lab.
I am writing to you as there ...
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