



From May 13, 2023 to Jun 11, 2023

Jun 09, 2023

04:53 PM Support #25212 (In Progress): Configurare openportal front end all'accesso da siti *
Per ora ho aperto l'accesso a solr attraverso nginx (https: porta 443) all'IP richiesto.
Abbiamo già un'altra macc...
Tommaso Piccioli

Jun 06, 2023

11:09 AM Support #23929: Consider upgrading to PHP 8 it should be a matter of changing the version in the playbook, run it, and eventually c... Andrea Dell'Amico

Jun 05, 2023

08:33 AM Support #25212 (Closed): Configurare openportal front end all'accesso da siti *

Lo scopo è quello di permettere a client provenienti da domini * di accedere al front end con chiamate ...
Michele Artini

May 31, 2023

07:19 PM Support #24613: Create an Open Portal instance for CNR-INO
Credenziali ftp INO comunicate a e
connessione ftps testat...
Tommaso Piccioli
05:39 PM Support #24613: Create an Open Portal instance for CNR-INO

Ho informato i colleghi INO che è funzionante.
Assumo che l'FTP sia stato configu...
Leonardo Candela
03:59 PM Support #24613 (Feedback): Create an Open Portal instance for CNR-INO
Aggiornato DB e frontend https e ftps per ino openportal.
E' stato messa una grafica autoprodotta per il logo.
Tommaso Piccioli
07:15 PM Support #24628 (Closed): Configure FTP server for INO
Done, see main ticket #24613 Tommaso Piccioli
07:15 PM Support #24629 (Closed): Prepare a new Joomla instance for INO
Done, see main ticket #24613 Tommaso Piccioli
05:40 PM Incident #25200 (Closed): Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
Leonardo Candela
12:24 PM Incident #25200 (Resolved): Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
Michele Artini
12:14 PM Incident #25200: Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
I finally found the not thread safe component:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
Michele Artini
11:47 AM Incident #25200: Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
I reindexed all the instances correctly without performing any important update to the code (I added only some log).
Michele Artini
09:08 AM Incident #25200: Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
Probably the changes to the model (ORCID) has introduced a bug.
I see that for each record, compares the following...
Michele Artini
09:06 AM Incident #25200 (In Progress): Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
03:59 PM Support #23929: Consider upgrading to PHP 8
I'm developing the new extensions for the migration to Joomla 4.
Currently I'm using PHP 8.1.13.
Can we consider ...
Michele Artini

May 30, 2023

12:42 PM Incident #25200: Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
It seems that also ISPC instance is affected, e.g.
Leonardo Candela
12:40 PM Incident #25200: Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
Project information from OpenAIRE are not complete Leonardo Candela
12:38 PM Incident #25200 (Closed): Several facilities are no longer working on OpenPortal
I just realized that several facilities are no longer working:
* the browse by lab
Leonardo Candela

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