Bug #22978
bibtex title with "&"
Dear All,
I am extracting the bibliography of some ISTI researchers.
I go an error in some cases.
author = {Gioia F. and Pascali M. A. and Greco A. and Colantonio S. and Scilingo E. P.},
booktitle = {EMBC 2021 - 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, pp. 608--611, Online Conference, 30/10/2021, 5/11/2021},
doi = {10.1109/embc46164.2021.9630860},
publisher = {IEEE, New York, USA},
title = {Discriminating stress from cognitive load using contactless thermal imaging devices},
year = {2021}
Perhaps the correct output is
... Medicine & Biology...
with backslash
Related issues
Updated by Leonardo Candela almost 3 years ago
- Assignee changed from Leonardo Candela to Michele Artini
Yep, this char and others need to be properly encoded
Updated by Michele Artini almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
I implemented the escape of '&'.
But I don't know which other characters should be encoded.
The Java library (jbibtex) does not provide a specify method to encode strings,
I used also a Mac OS Application (BibDesk) to parse the records and it accepted also the unescaped version of &.
Updated by Leonardo Candela almost 3 years ago
The problem is not bibtex, rather the use of some characters conflicting with formats http://www.bibtex.org/SpecialSymbols/ e.g.
- {
- "
- $
These need to be escaped by \
I didn't managed to find a complete list.