Tracker *Support Bug Feature Incident Task
Subject *
Description Edit Dear All, I am extracting the bibliography of some ISTI researchers. I go an error in some cases. eg. @inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:462344, author = {Gioia F. and Pascali M. A. and Greco A. and Colantonio S. and Scilingo E. P.}, booktitle = {EMBC 2021 - 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, pp. 608--611, Online Conference, 30/10/2021, 5/11/2021}, doi = {10.1109/embc46164.2021.9630860}, publisher = {IEEE, New York, USA}, title = {Discriminating stress from cognitive load using contactless thermal imaging devices}, year = {2021} } Perhaps the correct output is ... Medicine \& Biology... with backslash Regards
Status *In Progress Closed
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee Andrea Dell'Amico - andrea.dellamicoAnna Molino - anna.molinoFederico Volpini - federico.volpiniLeonardo Candela - leonardo.candelaMarco Procaccini - marco.procacciniMichele Artini - michele.artiniPaolo Manghi - paolo.manghisilvia giannini - silviaTommaso Piccioli - tommaso.piccioli_InfraScience Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) -
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