Feature #19414
closedDevelop a method exposing figures on the "latest" 15 years publications
The method, when invoked, will return the number of publications by type of the last 15 years - the ongoing year is always excluded.
Related issues
Updated by Anonymous almost 5 years ago
What do you intend with figure, an image?
Otherwise the totals can be obtained through the SOLR API:
curl "https://backend-openportal.isti.cnr.it/solr/PMF_index_isti_shard1_replica1/select?q=date%3A%5B2005+TO+2020%5D&rows=0&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field=date&facet.mincount=1&facet.sort=index"
Updated by Leonardo Candela almost 5 years ago
We need to make available a method that returns a JSON that for every year contains a list of pairs "publication type, number of publications".
This method is expected to be used by the forthcoming ISTI website.
Dunno whether the SOLR API are "open" to every client, to me the only client expected to use them should be OpenPortal ... anyway if opening SOLR API to everyone is not harmful we can proceed as you prefer.
Updated by Michele Artini almost 5 years ago
The Solr Index Service is not OPEN to every client, but it was configured to be accessible from OpenPortal server, my ip address and some Volpini's machines.
Some months ago I sent to Federico a mail with some preconfigured queries.
I think that a beta version of the ISTI website already performs some queries to the Solr Index.
Updated by Leonardo Candela almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Michele Artini to Federico Volpini
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
@federico.volpini@isti.cnr.it please confirm whether the SOLR API call suggested by @michele.artini@isti.cnr.it is suitable or not.
Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago
we tried to use the curl command from the machine that hosts the new website (ut6.isti.cnr.it - ip: and this is the response:
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
Giuseppe also tried with my ip address ( and this is another response:
[1] 12409
[2] 12410
[3] 12411
[4] 12412
[5] 12413
[6] 12414
[7] 12415
curl: (7) Failed to connect to backend-openportal.isti.cnr.it port 443: Nessun instradamento per l'host
facet.sort=index: comando non trovato
facet.mincount=1: comando non trovato
facet.field=date: comando non trovato
[2] Completato rows=0
[3] Completato wt=json
[2] Completato rows=0
[3] Completato wt=json
[4] Completato indent=true
[5] Completato facet=true
[1] Uscita 7 curl https://backend-openportal.isti.cnr.it/solr/PMF_index_isti_shard1_replica1/select?q=date%3A%5B2005+TO+2020%5D
[2] Completato rows=0
[3] Completato wt=json
[4] Completato indent=true
[5] Completato facet=true
[6]- Uscita 127 facet.field=date
[7]+ Uscita 127 facet.mincount=1
Updated by Michele Artini over 4 years ago
@andrea.dellamico@isti.cnr.it Can you verify which addresses can access backend-openportal.isti.cnr.it via HTTPS ?
Updated by Andrea Dell'Amico over 4 years ago
Access is limited to the web portal, and your desktop IP address (that one should be removed).
I'm going to allow the two IP aaddresses listed in #19414#note-5
Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago
To me you can limit the access only to ut6 (
Thanks :)
Updated by Andrea Dell'Amico over 4 years ago
OK, I remembered that we had this kind of discussion in the past, here: #16846. I suppose you changed your mind?
Updated by Andrea Dell'Amico over 4 years ago
- Related to Feature #16846: Access to SOLR from Volpini's machines added
Updated by Andrea Dell'Amico over 4 years ago
Anonymous wrote:
To me you can limit the access only to ut6 (
Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago
Tested from ut6, now it works.
Just one question: the now we have the result of all publications per year.
Is it possible to have the number of publications by typology per year?
Thank you very much in advance
"q":"date:[2005 TO 2020]",
Updated by Michele Artini over 4 years ago
It is possible using the SOLR facet API, in particular using the facet.pivot parameter.
for example:
curl "https://backend-openportal.isti.cnr.it/solr/PMF_index_isti_shard1_replica1/select?q=date%3A%5B2005+TO+2020%5D&rows=0&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.pivot=date,type&facet.mincount=1&facet.sort=index"
Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago
Hi, thanks for all.
You can see the result here: https://ut6.isti.cnr.it/sitoisti/en/research/publications
Just another question, if possible.
In agreement with the Director, we'd like to insert another tab, containing this graph: https://openportal.isti.cnr.it/statistics/year-rights
It's possible, using the same SOLR service, to have access to the raw data?
Thanks in advice
Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago
You can use a similar query, in particular replacing
Updated by Leonardo Candela over 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
I would say that this task is complete.