


30 days up to




From Dec 15, 2022 to Jan 13, 2023

Jan 12, 2023

12:42 PM Bug #20940 (Closed): Eccessive alternative manifestations received from OpenAIRE
We can safely close this, i casi segnalati sembra siano rientrati Leonardo Candela
11:12 AM Support #24406 (New): Consider using the social2s to implement the Share facility

It seems this Joomla plugin is way better than what we have for sharing links to our splash pages
Leonardo Candela

Jan 11, 2023

02:52 PM Feature #24391: ISPC Open Portal: configure usage counts
Andrea Dell'Amico wrote in #note-6:
> Va sostanzialmente replicato tutto, se non ho capito male. Giusto?
Si ... l...
Leonardo Candela
02:29 PM Feature #24391: ISPC Open Portal: configure usage counts
Va sostanzialmente replicato tutto, se non ho capito male. Giusto? Andrea Dell'Amico
11:44 AM Feature #24391: ISPC Open Portal: configure usage counts
I think that this ticket should be assigned to Michele Artini
11:28 AM Feature #24391 (Closed): ISPC Open Portal: configure usage counts
We should configure the Matomo based export of usage statistics thus to feed OpenAIRE
We shuold replicate what we...
Leonardo Candela

Jan 02, 2023

12:55 PM Incident #23196: New problem accessing FTP server from Dnet
It works. Thanks. Michele Artini
12:52 PM Incident #23196: New problem accessing FTP server from Dnet
I just restarted the ftp service and I also spotted and fixed the problem: the restart command in the hook script was... Andrea Dell'Amico
10:34 AM Incident #23196: New problem accessing FTP server from Dnet
I reopen this ticket:
java.lang.RuntimeException: NotAfter: Wed Dec 28 1...
Michele Artini

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