



From Aug 01, 2022 to Aug 30, 2022

Aug 21, 2022

01:39 PM Incident #23765 (Closed): Certificato non rinnovato sulla macchina mysql/mongodb

`/` era pieno perché c'erano file sql e di backup enormi nella home dell'utente `/root`. Ho buttato via tutto e com...
Andrea Dell'Amico
01:33 PM Incident #23765 (Closed): Certificato non rinnovato sulla macchina mysql/mongodb

Il rinnovo fallisce perché il disco `/` è pieno.
Andrea Dell'Amico

Aug 16, 2022

08:32 PM Incident #23196: New problem accessing FTP server from Dnet
It was me ;) Tommaso Piccioli
11:34 AM Incident #23196 (Closed): New problem accessing FTP server from Dnet
Thanks anonymous :-)
Now it works.
I close the ticket.
Michele Artini
11:20 AM Incident #23196: New problem accessing FTP server from Dnet
I restarted the ftp service, maybe the problem is the same, better fix needed. Could y...
09:58 AM Incident #23196 (In Progress): New problem accessing FTP server from Dnet
I reopened the ticket
java.lang.RuntimeException: NotAfter: Sun Jul 31 0...
Michele Artini

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