From Dec 21, 2020 to Jan 19, 2021
Jan 13, 2021
06:03 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- Andrea Dell'Amico wrote:
> Leonardo Candela wrote:
> > According to my understanding the figures we are going to st... -
02:02 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- Leonardo Candela wrote:
> According to my understanding the figures we are going to store in matomo are usage statis...
Jan 12, 2021
11:39 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- According to my understanding the figures we are going to store in matomo are usage statistics that are independent f...
10:36 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- Leonardo Candela wrote:
> Andrea Dell'Amico wrote:
> > The import of the old data just completed:
> >
> > ~~~
>... -
08:31 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- Andrea Dell'Amico wrote:
> The import of the old data just completed:
> ~~~
> Logs import summary
> ---------... -
06:22 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- Leonardo Candela wrote:
> I'm skeptical about the use of the preamble ... it is about the oai-pmh protocol OpenAIRE ... -
06:13 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- Leonardo Candela wrote:
> I'm skeptical about the use of the preamble ... it is about the oai-pmh protocol OpenAIRE ... -
06:12 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- I'm skeptical about the use of the preamble ... it is about the oai-pmh protocol OpenAIRE (and other clients) use to ...
05:46 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- The import of the old data just completed:
Logs import summary
71480 requests imp... -
04:54 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- I just started the import of the year old historic records.
The records of the current week will be imported at the ... -
04:46 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- Leonardo Candela wrote:
> It seems the preamble is not used/useful at all ... none of the log entries contain it :) ... -
03:32 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
It seems the preamble is not used/useful at all ... none of the log entries contain it :)
Moreover, by looking...-
01:59 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- The log file I used to test the script is attached.
01:55 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- I tried with:
#OAI-PMH Configuration
oaipmh_preamble: "oai?verb"
#Metadata Location (supports multi... -
01:27 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- Leonardo Candela wrote:
> The "problem" that I see is that access to payloads is done via urls like
> http... -
02:43 PM Feature #16674 (Closed): Reconsider the website footer and menu
- The footer was revised a lot of time ago. It now includes the Iubenda for the cookies.
01:34 PM Incident #20420 (Closed): About page: broken links
- The links have been fixed.
12:23 PM Incident #20420 (Closed): About page: broken links
- I just realised the page
contains several broken links (resulting... -
12:56 PM Support #16702 (Closed): Cater for Iubenda integration
- For a better alignment I used the following snippet
<div style="margin:10px"><a href=" -
11:47 AM Support #19951 (Closed): Complement and revise authors affiliation (including the need to deal with 2021 and new labs)
- As far as I can see it is working, the AIMH lab is there and the 2021 papers are assigned to labs
10:24 AM Support #19951 (Feedback): Complement and revise authors affiliation (including the need to deal with 2021 and new labs)
- The affiliations for 2021 have been imported from PIMPA.
Jan 11, 2021
08:15 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- I'm not an expert and, if possible, I'll contact again the OpenAIRE colleagues to get some insights.
I would say ... -
06:19 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- The import script run without errors, but exactly 0 valid records were found.
The configuration used is the one publ... -
11:04 AM Support #19951: Complement and revise authors affiliation (including the need to deal with 2021 and new labs)
- That list was already processed. Regarding the affiliation for 2021 I'm not sure if I can import From PIMPA because o...
10:20 AM Support #19951: Complement and revise authors affiliation (including the need to deal with 2021 and new labs)
- I have not received the mail with the suggested affiliatio...
09:25 AM Incident #20405 (Closed): IOP: Broken link
- Fixed
Jan 10, 2021
07:19 PM Feature #20103 (Feedback): Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- I see. I just installed the script, its execution will be triggered by the `logrotate` weekly run.
I also just sta... -
10:48 AM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- It seems the revised matomo script has been fixed.
11:07 AM Incident #20405 (Closed): IOP: Broken link
- This query
gives the following item
https://openportal.isti.... -
11:03 AM Support #19951: Complement and revise authors affiliation (including the need to deal with 2021 and new labs)
- Dunno whether this activity was done. If yes I kindly ask to close the ticket.
Jan 07, 2021
08:34 PM Feature #20382 (Closed): Reinforce the BibTeX export
- I would consider the task complete for the time being, we improved the bibtex export by counting on the metadata we h...
03:03 PM Feature #20382: Reinforce the BibTeX export
- > We might follow a **"quick & dirty option"**, i.e. take the dc:source content and compile the BibTeXEntry as follow...
Jan 05, 2021
06:03 PM Feature #20382 (In Progress): Reinforce the BibTeX export
- We will never have a dc:source field suitable for a net transformation because of the mismatch between the dc:source ...
10:04 AM Feature #20382: Reinforce the BibTeX export
- The bib records are generated using the JBibTeX library (v.1.0.17).
The mapping produces the bib entities accordin...
Dec 29, 2020
07:47 PM Feature #20382 (Closed): Reinforce the BibTeX export
- The bibtext file resulting from the export is not missing some mandatory information, e.g.
* **article** records ...
Dec 28, 2020
07:58 PM Feature #20103: Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
- I created the environment and installed the script inside a virtualenv, but it does not work.
It seems that our apac... -
05:10 PM Feature #20103 (In Progress): Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
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