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From Sep 15, 2018 to Oct 14, 2018

Oct 12, 2018

11:43 AM Bug #12670: Memory problem
It would be better to do the math for the maximum php memory consumption: there are limits to the max memory for each... Andrea Dell'Amico
11:35 AM Bug #12670 (Closed): Memory problem
Today I noticed that solr was died and I could not restart it.
Tommi has noticed that php-fpm was consuming a lot ...
Michele Artini
11:29 AM Bug #12669: Wrong encoding after startup
What portal? I know that *ISTI Open Portal* has a meaning to you, but I need the hostname(s). Andrea Dell'Amico
11:26 AM Bug #12669 (Closed): Wrong encoding after startup
I noticed that after the reboot the D-Net container starts with an invalid encoding (ANSI instead of UTF-8).
I don...
Michele Artini
09:17 AM Feature #12667 (Closed): New joomla portal installation (BETA)
Can you prepare a new joomla installation for the BETA portal deployment?
The new server name should be beta.openp...
Michele Artini

Oct 11, 2018

05:12 PM Feature #12662 (Closed): Cater for hosting publications on ISTI premises and maching them available
Because of the lack of provisioning of references to the open access versions in Peopel publications metadata it was ... Leonardo Candela

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