Feature #20382
Reinforce the BibTeX export
Added by Leonardo Candela about 4 years ago.
Updated about 4 years ago.
The bibtext file resulting from the export is not missing some mandatory information, e.g.
- article records are missing the Journal
- inproceedings records are missing the Booktitle
We should try to extract suitable information from the "source" field.
I kindly ask @michele.artini@isti.cnr.it to clarify what are the typologies of bibtex items resulting from our product typologies and the rest of mappings and transformations governing the production of the bibtex file.
The bib records are generated using the JBibTeX library (v.1.0.17).
The mapping produces the bib entities according to the following rule:
"Conference object" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_INPROCEEDINGS
"Report" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_TECHREPORT
"Article" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_ARTICLE
"Part of book or chapter of book" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_INBOOK
"Book" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_BOOK
"Master thesis" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS
"Bachelor thesis" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS
"Doctoral thesis" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_PHDTHESIS
"Patent" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_MISC
"Other" -> BibTeXEntry.TYPE_MISC
For each typology the following information are added:
record.getTitle() -> BibTeXEntry.KEY_TITLE
record.getCreators() -> BibTeXEntry.KEY_AUTHOR
record.getPublisher() -> BibTeXEntry.KEY_PUBLISHER
record.getDate() -> BibTeXEntry.KEY_YEAR
record.getDois() -> BibTeXEntry.KEY_DOI
The "source" field was excluded from the mapping because the values were not cleaned.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
We will never have a dc:source field suitable for a net transformation because of the mismatch between the dc:source semantic and the bibtex fields.
We might follow a "quick & dirty option", i.e. take the dc:source content and compile the BibTeXEntry as follows
- KEY_BOOKTITLE for Conference object;
- KEY_JOURNAL for Article;
- in this case we could also take only the dc:source string before the "(" and compile the KEY_JOURNAL field;
- KEY_BOOKTITLE for Part of book or chapter of book
- nothing for Book;
- nothing for Master thesis, Bachelor thesis, Doctoral thesis ... it seems no suitable source is exposed by People;
- nothing for Other ... it seems no suitable dc:source is exposed by People;
Another strategy could be to use services that given a DOI return a bibtex ... this approach might be smart (at least for objects with a DOI).
Dunno whether OpenAIRE can offer something about that, I know that Crossref might offering something
We might follow a "quick & dirty option", i.e. take the dc:source content and compile the BibTeXEntry as follows
- KEY_BOOKTITLE for Conference object;
- KEY_JOURNAL for Article;
- in this case we could also take only the dc:source string before the "(" and compile the KEY_JOURNAL field;
- KEY_BOOKTITLE for Part of book or chapter of book
- nothing for Book;
- nothing for Master thesis, Bachelor thesis, Doctoral thesis ... it seems no suitable source is exposed by People;
- nothing for Other ... it seems no suitable dc:source is exposed by People;
I extended the mapping with your proposal.
Regarding the articles I try (using a regex) to extract the following info from the source field:
NB. The KEY_YEAR is extracted from the source field only for articles to ensure the right references to the journal , otherwise it is obtained from the date field (that contains the publication date in People).
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
I would consider the task complete for the time being, we improved the bibtex export by counting on the metadata we have in People.
The idea to use third party services (for items having a DOI) might be interesting for the future yet it might introduce mismatches between the information we have in People and what we expose.
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