



From Sep 16, 2020 to Oct 15, 2020

Oct 13, 2020

11:55 AM ISTI Open Access Support #19951 (In Progress): Complement and revise authors affiliation (including the need to deal with 2021 and new labs)
Michele Artini

Oct 12, 2020

09:28 PM ISTI Open Access Support #19951 (Closed): Complement and revise authors affiliation (including the need to deal with 2021 and new labs)
A very detailed list of Author - Lab associations to be considered have been suggested by @silvia.giannini@isti.cnr.i... Leonardo Candela
09:20 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #16772: Reconsider what OpenPortal shows under the typologies
As a follow up of #19950 we should be able to correct some of missclassification of items resulting from the mapping ... Leonardo Candela
08:46 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #19950 (Completed): Reconsider the harvesting pipeline to benefit from "possibly richer" metadata records
We have been informed that metadata records made available by OAI-PMH have been revised thus to include the following... Leonardo Candela

Oct 07, 2020

05:58 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #19414 (Closed): Develop a method exposing figures on the "latest" 15 years publications
I would say that this task is complete. Leonardo Candela
05:35 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #19931 (New): Reinforce the information about the sources of items' manifestations
The information we report for the manifestations associated to an item is heterogeneous and duplicated, e.g.
* th...
Leonardo Candela

Sep 30, 2020

10:46 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #11636 (In Progress): Make Open Portal OpenAIRE compliant
The container hosting the OAI Exporter is currently visible only to the intranet (part of it), it responds to calls l... Leonardo Candela

Sep 23, 2020

10:34 AM ISTI Open Access Support #19845 (Closed): Typos in abstract
Ok Leo, fatto, ho sostituito l'abstract. Ho chiuso il ticket, va bene? silvia giannini
10:05 AM ISTI Open Access Support #19845: Typos in abstract
Il lavoro incriminato è:
* (OpenPortal)

Sep 22, 2020

05:33 PM ISTI Open Access Support #19845 (Closed): Typos in abstract
Buongiorno, mi chiamo Luca Ferrucci e chiamo come uno degli autori dell'articolo dal titolo "An LTL semantics of busi... Anonymous

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