From Sep 12, 2020 to Oct 11, 2020
Oct 07, 2020
05:58 PM Feature #19414 (Closed): Develop a method exposing figures on the "latest" 15 years publications
- I would say that this task is complete.
05:35 PM Feature #19931 (New): Reinforce the information about the sources of items' manifestations
- The information we report for the manifestations associated to an item is heterogeneous and duplicated, e.g.
* th...
Sep 30, 2020
10:46 AM Feature #11636 (In Progress): Make Open Portal OpenAIRE compliant
- The container hosting the OAI Exporter is currently visible only to the intranet (part of it), it responds to calls l...
Sep 23, 2020
10:34 AM Support #19845 (Closed): Typos in abstract
- Ok Leo, fatto, ho sostituito l'abstract. Ho chiuso il ticket, va bene?
10:05 AM Support #19845: Typos in abstract
- Il lavoro incriminato è:
* (OpenPortal)
Sep 22, 2020
05:33 PM Support #19845 (Closed): Typos in abstract
- Buongiorno, mi chiamo Luca Ferrucci e chiamo come uno degli autori dell'articolo dal titolo "An LTL semantics of busi...
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