Bug #25336
Missing authors information
Good Morning, I am Giuliano Cornacchia a Ph.D. students associated with the KDD Lab.
I am writing to you as there are two articles that I published (and are in the OpenPortal) that do not recognize me and some collegues as the authors.
More in detail, the article "How Routing Strategies Impact Urban Emissions" only consider Luca Pappalardo and Mirco Nanni as the authors, while also Giuliano Cornacchia (me), Giovanni Mauro, Matteo Bohm, and Dino Pedreschi are authors. The author list I refer to is the one on the left when visiting the following URL: https://openportal.isti.cnr.it/results?qv=How+routing+strategies+impact+urban+emissions.
The same holds for me for the article:
- Connected vehicle simulation framework for parking occupancy prediction (demo paper) [[https://openportal.isti.cnr.it/results?qv=Connected+vehicle+simulation+framework+for+parking+occupancy+prediction+%28demo+paper%29]]
Could you please solve that?
Best regards,
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