


Leonardo Candela's activity

From Oct 15, 2020 to Nov 13, 2020

Nov 12, 2020

10:43 AM ISTI Open Access Support #19156 (Closed): Create a Joomla instance for the CNR alpha version of OpenPortal
The instance is up and running since months but the url.
I'll suggest closing this activity, the service will rem...
Leonardo Candela
09:56 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #20103 (Completed): Configure ISTI Open Portal to expose usage statistics for OpenAIRE
A follow up of the successful registration of ISTI Open Portal in OpenAIRE (#20053) requires to provide OpenAIRE with... Leonardo Candela
09:49 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #20053: Register ISTI Open Portal in OpenAIRE
Repository registered successfully and aggregation is ongoing. Leonardo Candela

Nov 10, 2020

12:04 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #20097 (Completed): Reconsider the link to use for referring to People object
Up to now we have used the Resource Identifier having the form[[ID]] to point to the re... Leonardo Candela

Nov 09, 2020

08:02 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #20094 (New): Alerting and Monitoring facilities for ISTI Open Portal
We should design and deploy a number of monitoring approaches aiming at alerting the service managers about any malfu... Leonardo Candela

Nov 06, 2020

11:55 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #20053 (In Progress): Register ISTI Open Portal in OpenAIRE
ISTI Open Portal is now in OpenDOAR (#11637)
I'll wait for OpenAIRE to g...
Leonardo Candela
11:50 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #11637 (Completed): Register ISTI Open Portal in OA directories
ISTI Open Portal was successfully included in OpenDOAR. Please find below the email I just get.
Thank ...
Leonardo Candela

Nov 02, 2020

05:53 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #20054 (New): Implement OpenAIRE Guidelines 4.0
Before implementing this request, we should wait for changes taking place on CNR overall repository.
If the CNR o...
Leonardo Candela
05:45 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #20053 (Completed): Register ISTI Open Portal in OpenAIRE
As soon as our application aiming at having ISTI Open Portal listed into OpenDOAR (#11637) we should register it into... Leonardo Candela
05:40 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #11637 (In Progress): Register ISTI Open Portal in OA directories
Just compiled and submitted the form to register ISTI Open Portal in OpenDOAR
Leonardo Candela

Oct 28, 2020

07:36 PM ISTI Open Access Feature #20033 (Completed): Reconsider ISTI OpenPortal OAI-PMH responses
The **Identify** verb response need to be revised as follows:
* *...
Leonardo Candela

Oct 27, 2020

11:03 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #11636: Make Open Portal OpenAIRE compliant
I'm temporarily assigning the ticket to to unveil and beautify the URL for reaching the... Leonardo Candela

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