



From Jun 29, 2018 to Jul 28, 2018

Jun 29, 2018

10:26 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #12070 (New): Expose and Document a richer query syntax for expressing advanced queries

It should be possible for users to specify advanced queries, i.e. queries going beyond the keyword based approach. ...
Leonardo Candela
10:23 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #12069 (Closed): Envisage the possibility to select many faceted search in one shot
Once a result set is displayed and the faceted queries are reported, we should consider supporting users executing ma... Leonardo Candela
10:19 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #12068 (New): Envisage the possibility to re-order the result-set facet queries associated with a result set
Once a result set is displayed the accompanying facet queries are reported with values ordered by number of occurrenc... Leonardo Candela
10:13 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #12067 (New): Repository Item: make keywords actionable
Once an item is displayed I would suggest turning the keywords / subjects displayed into actionable elements. The exp... Leonardo Candela
10:10 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #12066 (Rejected): Reharvest People content once the new format is implemented
We contacted CNR People responsibles to get People records exposed via a richer format.
Once this will be made ava...
Leonardo Candela
10:08 AM ISTI Open Access Feature #12065 (New): Add a "Cite as" facility on the single item
The splash page of the item should have a "Cite as" facility (that, among others make it possible to generate the Bib... Leonardo Candela

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