Tracker *Support Bug Feature Incident Task
Subject *
Description Edit The splash page of the item should have a "Cite as" facility (that, among others make it possible to generate the Bibtex). This should replace the Bibtex entry box currently there and offer more options. For inspiration you can see the OpenAIRE approach ...
Status *New In Progress Completed Closed Rejected
Priority *Low Normal High Urgent Immediate
Assignee Andrea Dell'Amico - andrea.dellamicoAnna Molino - anna.molinoFederico Volpini - federico.volpiniLeonardo Candela - leonardo.candelaMarco Procaccini - marco.procacciniMichele Artini - michele.artiniPaolo Manghi - paolo.manghisilvia giannini - silviaTommaso Piccioli - tommaso.piccioli_InfraScience Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) -
Target version * ISTI Open Portal Issues Prova FTP ISTI Open Portal Tasks OpenPortal Instances People MetadataComputational EngineDefault SprintUnSprintable WordPress
Parent task
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% Done0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %